No matter what button I press during my anki reviews (again, hard, good, easy), the card does not get added to the review pile, it just vanishes from your study session. Very frustrating as I am unable to study! This occurs on EVERY deck I have (including Anking V12)
Lets say you have a deck with 10 new cards & 0 review (since its new material). You see the first card and press again → you see a new card but you also notice you now have 9 new cards & STILL 0 review cards. Next card, you press good and the same thing happens… 8 new cards & 0 review cards. You click again for the remaining 8 cards and it says study session has ended… even though you have literally only clicked “again” 10 times.
I have restarted my computer, no luck. I have disabled all addons, no luck. Im not sure what to do.
I believe that it has to do with my anki settings, as when I log into my other profile with different decks, I do not experience this issue. BUT I have not changed any of my settings recently.