Greetings, my friends! I trust you’re doing well. I’ve activated FSRS on Anki, and the card intervals I’m encountering don’t seem quite right. Typically, intervals are 15 minutes, 1.2 years, 1.2 years, 1.2 years, but I’m uncertain if it’s normal for hard, easy, and good intervals to be identical. Additionally, I’ve noticed a significant gap between the again and hard intervals.
I have my maximum interval set to 400 days and my desired retention set to 95%. In addition, I do have more than 6000 cards due (been struggling to keep up this year as I’ve started working)
Maybe FSRS chose an even longer interval for Hard (and even longer for the other buttons), but the Maximum Interval limited it.
Because of how FSRS works, you should probably press Hard and hope for FSRS settings like the parameters and Desired retention to shorten the interval. You can also reschedule the card after pressing Hard: I believe FSRS makes no assumptions about whether you answered a card in time, it just computes the memory state (difficulty, stability and retrievability).