Hello. I am trying to upload a file of flashcards onto anki but everytime i try to do file > import> choose file> open it says error. what can i do to fix this
What does the error message say?
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Import failed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/share/anki/aqt/importing.py”, line 339, in importFile
File “/usr/share/anki/anki/importing/apkg.py”, line 39, in run
File “/usr/share/anki/anki/importing/anki2.py”, line 23, in run
File “/usr/share/anki/anki/importing/anki2.py”, line 38, in _prepareFiles
self.src = Collection(self.file)
File “/usr/share/anki/anki/storage.py”, line 20, in Collection
assert path.endswith(“.anki2”)
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