Anki - Erro em loop


Hello! How are you?

I came to ask for help.
I installed Anki Windows 10/11 (24.04 Qt6). When I installed the “Anki Zoom” extension (Updated 2020-04-04) and restarted the computer, Anki crashed with a constant error message that wouldn’t let me do anything.

I ended the process in the task manager, uninstalled Anki, restarted the computer, downloaded the program again from the official website, but the error continued.
I can’t access anything from Anki for desktop, any functions.

Does anyone know how I can resolve this situation?

The .gif below shows the error.

Olá! Como vocês estão?

Vim pedir ajuda.
Instalei o Anki Windows 10/11 (24.04 Qt6). Quando instalei a extensão “Anki Zoom” (Updated 2020-04-04) e reiniciei o computador, o Anki travou com uma mensagem de erro constante que não me deixava fazer nada.

Encerrei o processo no gerenciador de tarefas, desinstalei o Anki, reiniciei o computador, baixei o programa novamente no site oficial, mas o erro continuou.
Não consigo acessar nada do Anki para desktop, nenhuma função.

Alguém sabe como posso resolver essa situação?

Vídeo sem título ‐ Feito com o Clipchamp (1)

Disable and uninstall that add-on. It hasn’t been updated in 4 years, so there’s a very low chance it’s actually compatible with the new Anki version.

Starting Anki while holding down Shift will disable all add-ons temporarily, so you can get to the add-ons menu and take care of this one.


Problem solved, my friend!!
Thanks for your help!
Your help made all the difference.

Thank you so much!

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