Anki Desktop Freeze on Startup

I’ve used for a long time the flatpak version, but sudenly stop working freezinfg at startup… I deleted all the add-ons (deleting the /home/$USER/var/anki-directory) and tried again with the same behaviour…

I’ve proceded to install the version provied with QT6 in your web via, getting the same behaviour…

OS: LInux
Distro: Fedora 37
Arch: x86_64
Compositor: WAYLAND


anki --version
Anki starting...
Initial setup...
Running with temporary Qt5 compatibility shims.
Run with DISABLE_QT5_COMPAT=1 to confirm compatibility with Qt6.
Preparing to run...
Anki 2.1.55

Console LOG…

Anki starting...                                                                
Initial setup...                                                                
Running with temporary Qt5 compatibility shims.                                 
Run with DISABLE_QT5_COMPAT=1 to confirm compatibility with Qt6.                
Preparing to run...                                                             
Wayland support is disabled by default due to bugs:                                                       
You can force it on with an env var: ANKI_WAYLAND=1                             
Qt info:                                                                        
GL Type: desktop                                                                
Surface Type: OpenGL                                                            
Surface Profile: CompatibilityProfile                                           
Surface Version: 4.3                                                            
QSG RHI Backend: OpenGL                                                         
Using Supported QSG Backend: yes                                                
Using Software Dynamic GL: no                                                   
Using Multithreaded OpenGL: no                                               

Init Parameters:                                                                
  *  application-name Anki                                                      
  *  browser-subprocess-path /usr/local/share/anki/lib/PyQt6/Qt6/libexec/QtWebEn
  *  create-default-gl-context  
  *  disable-features ConsolidatedMovementXY,InstalledApp,BackgroundFetch,WebOTP
  *  disable-setuid-sandbox  
  *  disable-speech-api  
  *  enable-features NetworkServiceInProcess,TracingServiceInProcess 
  *  enable-threaded-compositing  
  *  in-process-gpu   
  *  use-gl desktop  
Starting main loop...

in conclusion I can’t use any version of ANKI… all version freeze on start up


You could try renaming your prefs21.db file, then starting Anki again.

Yes , anki ask me for interface language and freezeing again


You appear to be using wayland - have you tried defining ANKI_WAYLAND=1?

set an environment variable in linux solve the issue:


thx… and regards.,

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