Anki 25.01/02 Beta/RC

Spacing between Minimum and Reduced is inadequate on mobile (AnkiDroid).


This may have been addressed already, but with the move to FSRS managing short term intervals, has their been discussion about adding a notifications system for mobile and desktop so that you can do the cards at the correct shorter intervals?


No, and FSRS formulas for calculating short-term intervals are very rudimentary. Also, the intervals given by FSRS don’t agree with the intervals given by the Helper add-on. But those aren’t necessarily good either, since they are based on the assumption that short-term memory works the same way as long-term memory, which is unlikely to be true. But we don’t have a model of short-term memory. So right now all short-term stuff is in the “AAAAAAAA WHAT IS GOING OOOOOOOON?!” stage.


I thought this issue might disappear with recent changes but there still is text overlapping in y-axis label for FSRS simulator (AnkiDroid)

Can I ask the removal of the y-axis titles?

(weird I can’t add the image here from external website)

Bug with the forgetting curve graph (I’m not sure if it’s a new bug that is specific to this beta): even though I’m not scrolling and only moving my mouse, Anki keeps scrolling.


You can do it with any graph that is at the bottom of a page and has a tooltip that can extend off the bottom of the graph. The page has to get longer to accommodate the tooltip.

I don’t think it’s new, I’ve noticed it previously in the “FSRS Simulator” graph.

I haven’t tested, but I suspect if you go back to before “True Retention” was added (<=24.06.3 ?) you could do the same thing with “Hourly Breakdown”, “Answer Buttons” and “Added” in the stats screen.

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As ever, learning cards (is:learn -is:review) are represented in red in the card count in Decks screen, Deck overview screen, and the reviewer screen:

However, by the change of Reviews graph: orange -> blue · ankitects/anki@169d858 · GitHub, studied learning cards are represented in blue in “Reviews” graph in Statistics. It seems more confusing than before.

Related topic:

I hope for the following simple results instead:

  • In case “learning” cards (they are represented in red in the card count above) are studied, they are not represented in blue in the graph.
  • In case “new” cards (they are represented in blue in the count), they are represented in blue in the graph as well.

So, I was wondering if it would be better to change the graph as follows:

  • Represent learning cards in orange as before (or in pale red)
  • Classify studied “new” cards in “New” category, not in the current “Learning” category


@dae so will this version be released soon or will it be postponed by one month? I’m asking because of the Anking video that I’m helping with, which involves talking about most recent changes and versions.

EDIT: so apparently 25.01 will become 25.02 and will be released in February.


@dae on ankidroid, setting device lang to russian, completely cuts off the right part of page: meaning you can’t even use the buttons.

it’s probably cuz of the easy days’ strings. should I report it to AD devs instead?

FYI even with very long strings, stats page work completely fine. My expectation was either strings wrap, or if they can’t, users are able to zoom out to view the whole screen.


@moderators I got a shady message from @anki-bot trying to send me to some bitcoin wallet website.

Hello @sorata
You’re experiencing transcript error. It sounds like your query would be best dealt with by the support team.
I’ll have to refer you to the official support live chat with the ticket ID ANK 16578
Please see the link below to our dedicated support line:
Anki Network Dapps Ticket Request
Note; Click on the live chat icon at the bottom corner of the page to initiate chat with a live support agent.

If this is a phishing attempt, I think forums should stop allowing PMs from basic users. Or change the requirements for basic users.

Edit: “live support agent” ah, I wish we had that money.


Obviously, the beta-testing thread isn’t the right place to report this. In the future, please post in Site Feedback , or PM @ moderators. If you flag the PM, I’ll take care of it.


I came here to report a bug, but it seems it’s actually a feature?! :

  • When ‘add’ reveals the card window, it now resets deck/notetype like close+open. By @iamllama in #3756"

The description of the pull request says “With this change, reopening the add cards window behaves the same* as if the window was manually closed and reopened”. However this isn’t true. The behavior is different.

If you fill in some fields in the Add window, then if you try to close the window, a dialog box asks “Discard current input?” with options [Discard] and [Keep Editing].

On the other hand, in the same situation where you’ve filled in some fields in the Add window, then if you cover up the Add window by opening other windows (in Anki, or in a browser to look up information, etc.), and then you select Add from the main Anki window solely for the purpose of re-raising the Add window to the top, then there is no dialog box. The filled-in fields are still there, undiscarded, but the note type and deck have been silently reset to whatever they were for the previously successfully completed add.

That doesn’t make sense. If I change the note type to Chinese and type in a Chinese word, then open an online dictionary in a browser to seek a more precise definition, then re-raise the Add window by selecting Add from the main Anki window, the note type shouldn’t suddenly change back to German simply because I added a German word to a German deck last night. The Chinese word is still there in its input field, but now Anki wants to add it to a German deck.

If closing the Add window would trigger a “Discard current input?” dialog box, then selecting Add from the main Anki window menu shouldn’t reset the note type and deck.


Could you explain your usecase further? Are you adding different notetypes to the same deck or to a different deck? Did you select one deck when opening the add cards window for the first time, switch to a different deck, and then reopen it? Or did you manually change the deck and notetype while the window was already open?

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  • Open Anki. Open the Add window.
  • Change Type to “Basic”, fill in the Front and Back fields, use any value for Deck, and click the Add button.
  • Change Type to “Basic (and reversed card)”. Fill in the Front field, but now click on the Close button instead.
  • A dialog box appears: “Discard current input?”. Click on the Discard button. The Add window closes.
  • In the main Anki window, click on Add in the Decks/Add/Browse/Stats/Sync menu. The Add window opens with the “Basic” notetype in effect, not “Basic (and reversed card).”
  • In the Add window, change Type to “Basic (and reversed card)”, use any value for Deck.
  • Fill in the Front field.
  • In the main Anki window, click on Add in the Decks/Add/Browse/Stats/Sync menu.
  • When you do so, the Add window becomes the active window and is raised above any other windows that might be covering it, and simultaneously, Type reverts back to “Basic”. The contents of the Front field remain unchanged.
  • I would argue that if the input fields contain text, which means that the “Discard current input?” dialog box would appear if you attempted to close the Add window, then the Type should not silently revert back like this.

Now imagine in the above scenario that instead of “Basic” and “Basic (and reversed card)”, the two notetypes are “German” and “Chinese”. Both of them have an identically named field for entering a word or phrase, but other fields may differ. For example, maybe German has a Gender field, Chinese has a Pinyin field, and so on.

So suppose I added a German note, possibly quite some time ago, maybe even yesterday, and now I open the Add window and change Type to “Chinese”, then enter a Chinese word in the Front field, then open a browser like Chrome to look up the word in an online dictionary, then click on Add in the Decks/Add/Browse/Stats/Sync menu for the sole purpose of re-raising the Add window which was covered up by the online dictionary Chrome browser window. The Chinese word is still there in the Front field, but Type has now reverted back to “German”.

The Add window is now in an inconsistent state: I typed in input appropriate to a “Chinese” notetype, but the Type has silently changed to “German”.

Once again, I would argue that if the input fields contain text, which means that the “Discard current input?” dialog box would appear if you attempted to close the Add window, then the Type should not silently revert back like this.

Ok, so you manually changed the notetype without switching to another deck in the deck overview, and then reopened, and it changed back

Changing note types in the add window doesn’t warn either, so that’s not new behaviour. But reopening the add window is. Maybe the old behaviour of changing notetypes shouldn’t apply in this case. But it’s another source of inconsistency with initial-open that’s probably going to make someone else unhappy

Perhaps a sensible middle ground would be to avoid changing notetypes if there’s a non-empty field, and just raise the window

Yes, just raise the window.

Hi all,

25.02rc1 is now available. If major issues are not discovered, I’m hoping to release this as stable in a few days, with some of the more minor issues being pushed back to a following release.

@snowtimeglass I don’t particularly like using blue to represent learning cards, but it does make sense to make them more visually distinct from relearning cards, which are at a different stage. Maybe a different color could work instead.

@sorata we will need to fix this, but it doesn’t need to block the desktop release. I’ll add something to the issue tracker.


I agree that making them more visually distinctive makes sense, but using blue for learning cards still seems unnecessary and confusing in terms of color meaning.

Maybe a different color could work instead.

How about using a combination of pale red and normal red, or pale red and dark red?

One more thing—what do you think about making (studied) new cards distinct from learning cards in the graph? Since they also are at different stages when users study them, it seems natural to represent them separately in the graph as well, allowing users to track visually what kind of cards they studied.

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Anyway to not have them stuck together like this (there’s no gap)?

It’s the buttons in simulator; the strings were long and couldn’t fit so they’re placed vertically like this.


IIRC there were plans to run the optimizer automatically the first time FSRS is enabled. Or am I wrong?