Hi, not sure if this is really an issue, but I wanted to report it nevertheless.
I noticed that the webviews used in Anki’s interface constantly eat RAM, in small steps, that is only released the webview is destroyed. I don’t really know if that is expected behaviour?
The issue is on all webviews as far as I can tell. RAM usage steadily increases as soon as the mouse is moved (!), and stops increasing if the mouse is idle. In the Add dialog, I could not observe the memory being freed at some point, unless I close it.
The following short demo illustrates the issue in the Add window, all add-ons are disabled, 2.1.36.
I would estimate it is like 1Mb every 2.5s if you keep busy. Now that might be a non-issue if you just open the Add dialog for a limited amout of time or regularly close and reopen it, but I am running a javascript-heavy add-on in the Add window, whose state is destroyed if I have to reopen the dialog, and which makes me spend quite some time in the Add window.
Edit: Also, the memory usage increases really fast on resizing the window, a short demo:
This time, the memory seems to not be allocated in the webengine process, but rather in the main thread.
Edit 2: The memory increase on resize seems to be even larger if the resized window is big in size, e.g. if I drag the main window on a 1080p screen, vertically max-sized, the RAM jumps in like 70-100mb batches.
This is after resizing the main window from left to right (like in the last gif) for like 30-60s.
Edit 3: Maybe this has to do with Hardware Acceleration being enabled, but unfortunately I cannot test if the issue persists without, as I cannot disable it.
This error occurs everytime I uncheck Hardware Acceleration
, and if I restart Anki afterwards, the box is checked again (it used the “Auto” gldriver setting then). I definitely have the newest driver for my graphics card (Intel HD Graphics 620).