An addon that jumps straight to the cloze you have to answer in a long/longer text?

How about an addon that jumps straight to the cloze you have to answer in a long/longer text?
I like being able to read-up the context above and below at times.
Also, I think it helps your brain’s neural network to develop a “schema”. Schema is used in psychology to refer to “A schema is a cognitive framework or concept that helps organize and interpret information. Schemas can be useful because they allow us to take shortcuts in interpreting the vast amount of information that is available in our environment.”
It is also very interesting to see what Dr. Piotr WOZNIAK writes about this e.g.

Did you already try what I just suggested in the other thread?

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Ah - yes - copy/pasted the code
but between the

in both windows - cool it works, both in the anki app on my laptop and on my smartphone !
Thank you soo much! Can I buy you a coffee or something?

Nice to hear it works for you!

Haha thank you for the offer, but my help here is free :grin: