I’m having an issue with the desktop version. I’m reviewing a card that is “mc” with 5 correct answers out of 8 choices. When reviewing the card, I’m not shown all 8 options, and only the 5 correct answers. Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
This is an add-on problem, in the page there is a documentation regarding how to add more of 5 questions More than five answer options · Issue #81 · zjosua/anki-mc · GitHub which redirects user to use this multiple choice with 12 options - AnkiWeb
also sharing another multiple choice add-on if you are interested Multiple Choice Support - AnkiWeb
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I am by no means tech savvy, and have no idea what I’m doing beyond downloading the add-on. After downloading the mentioned add-on and restarting, I’m met with the same issue.
Maybe see if this helps: Multiple Choice Card doesnt show answer from extra Field i added - #4 by jcznk
YES! Thank you very much!!
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