Advanced Spanish Words deck

Oh yeah, here’s the path:

./ input.txt --noentry --anki ~/Library/Application\ Support/Anki2/Dave/collection.anki2
Language set to default: es Spanish
Use --lang to change

Using frequency file: freq/es.xz
Loading anki database...
	Connecting to database: /Users/dave/Library/Application Support/Anki2/Dave/collection.anki2
	Error: unable to open database file
Failed to connect to database.
	Make sure the filename is correct or try closing anki before proceeding.

Then when that didn’t work, I copied the database file to the same direcctory and tried it there.

Worth noting: I tried using /Users/dave/ instead of ~ for the home directory, as well as putting the path in single & double quotes. All gave the same result. I’m on Anki 2.1.65 at the moment. I haven’t tried upgrading yet.

If the file didn’t exist you would get a different error. Therefore, the only thing I can think of is a file permission error. I need a mac to test.

Otherwise, your only alternative is to try exporting the notes into a file: select all the notes in Anki. Right click. Notes. Export Notes. Check the box to support older versions. Save as a .apkg file and open that instead.

Whoa, this was unexpected but if I run wordtree while ANKI IS OPEN, it works. A bit unexpected!

Well I tried this on a mac, and no matter what I set the file permissions to, it would not open.

For now, I created a mac only note to just export the notes as .apkg because that’s the only thing that worked for me.

If any mac experts are reading this, please advise.