Adjusting card field display sequence

My anki cards have three fields: front, back, and comment.
When I review cards, front and comment are displayed together but I want Anki to first display “front” then “back” and finally “comment.” And when I flip cards, I want Anki to first display “back” then “front” and finally “comment.”

Please guide me though to adjust the display sequence.

Thank you

Tools > Manage Note Types > *select your note > Cards

From this screen you can change what appears on your cards.

Anki doesn’t support more than two sides to a card, so your best options are…

  • Use multiple cards for each note
  • Hide the comment in a hint e.g. {{hint:MyField}}
  • Use an add-on or some JS on the template

… in that order.

You card templates would look something like:



