Additional new cards to simulate when computing minimum recommended retention

One of the things I use anki for is bible memorization. Right now I only have 240 new cards (and learn 4 cards/day), but I still have >50,000 cards to add. I don’t want to create all the cards right now - partially to allow myself ongoing flexibility in what portions I want to memorize next. The FSRS simulator handles this well with the “additional new cards to simulate” option. So far as I can tell from the documentation and forum discussions I’ve found, compute minimum recommended retention is likely to produce highly skewed results for my case since any simulation will run out of new cards 60 days in and no longer be reflective of my usage. Is my best option to only simulate 60 days? Must I precommit to which cards I want next and make the actual cards to get accurate results on a longer timescale? Should I use the simulator and some back of the envelope knowledge estimation to generate my own CMRR?

Would it be feasible to include an “additional new cards” option for CMRR?

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I’ve always had the impression that CMRR is doing a more theoretical “what if every day was like every other day” simulation, so the actual number of your New cards wouldn’t matter. The Optimal Retention · open-spaced-repetition/fsrs4anki Wiki · GitHub

@Expertium Does CMRR consider when your current supply of new cards will run out?

No, only the simulator does.

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Sorry for misunderstanding, Thanks for correcting my error!