Add maximize buttons to Note Types editor

Some things do not fit, so the window needs to be resized, but there is no maximize button. Examples of what does not fit:

Tools → Manage Note Types:
horizontally and vertically


the default texts fit

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Logged on Add maximize buttons to Note Types editor · Issue #3151 · ankitects/anki · GitHub


“Change deck” saves its size, so it does not need that. Please make “Add tags” and “Delete tags” in the Browser save their size, too.

Can you send pictures or be more specific of the issue? It would be helpful so I can reproduce

In the Browser, press Ctrl-Shift-A or Ctrl-Alt-Shift-A. A dialog to enter tags appears. It is pretty short. If I resize it, next time it is short again.

Why would you want a single line dialog box to be a different size?

Add tags (Delete is the same) –

What is the expected behavior? Is it the same picture Danika_Dakika sent?

I use larger fonts and add multiple long tags.


My Anki resizes when I maximize the screen. What version of Anki are you? Are you on browser? If so which browser?

No, this is definitely about Desktop. As I understand it, Aleksej’s request is about windows that don’t have maximize buttons and/or don’t maintain size when they are reopened.

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I can’t reproduce the issue on my Desktop version. Adding cards seems to have a maximize button that accordingly changes size.

If you’re talking about the Add Note window – I don’t think this request is about that window.

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Sorry, I am still have trouble reproducing. Are you able to reproduce?

Which window/box are you working on?

After checking the issue on GitHub and referring back to the initial posts, the issues appeared to be that:

  1. some windows (e.g. manage note types) do not have a maximize button
  2. for some windows (Add Tags, Delete Tags) size is not saved

Checking the issues separately:

  1. In Version ⁨24.06.3 (d678e393)⁩ for desktop on Ubuntu, manage note types has a maximize button.
    On Windows (d678e393) the manage note types window does indeed not have a maximize button, so my guess is this is specific to at least the Windows build.
    I cannot check it for Mac so on Mac it might also be an issue.

  2. On Ubuntu the size for the Add Tags and Remove Tags windows is saved. On Windows the size is not saved.

I can check it out, but first need to figure out how to make changes to the windows build.


Adding the maximize button was easy enough, but I am struggling with running the tests successfully. I am getting this error when running tools\ninja check in Windows Powershell even when making no changes to the code.

PS C:\Users\User Name\PycharmProjects\anki> tools\ninja check
    Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 0.55s
failed: check:format:dprint
Error formatting C:\Users\User Name\PycharmProjects\anki\venv\Lib\site-packages\PyQt6\Qt6\qml\QtTest\testlogger.js. Message: Expression expected at C:/Users/User Name/PycharmProjects/anki/venv/Lib/site-packages/PyQt6/Qt6/qml/QtTest/testlogger.js:4:1

  .pragma library
Had 1 error(s) formatting.
Failed with code Some(1): out\node_modules\.bin\dprint.cmd check

Build failed.

and when running tools\ninja format

    Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 0.57s
failed: format:dprint
Error formatting C:\Users\User Name\PycharmProjects\anki\venv\Lib\site-packages\PyQt6\Qt6\qml\QtTest\testlogger.js. Message: Expression expected at C:/Users/User Name/PycharmProjects/anki/venv/Lib/site-packages/PyQt6/Qt6/qml/QtTest/testlogger.js:4:1

  .pragma library
Had 1 error(s) formatting.
Failed with code Some(1): out\node_modules\.bin\dprint.cmd fmt

Build failed.

If there is any easy fix for this I would be glad about help, but will try to figure it out in the meantime.

Edit: The problem was that the python venv was placed inside the root directory of the repository. Putting it in another folder solved the issues.

I was talking about Xfce.

See also

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Thanks for the information! I added the maximize and minimize buttons to be also displayed for Windows and opened a Pull Request. Add maximize hint for (#3151) by cdonat2 · Pull Request #3328 · ankitects/anki · GitHub