Add a field name and content search bar in card edition

Hey todos,

Here is a topic on AnkiDroid GitHub requests page a few time ago :
I use AnkiDroid 90% of times (Anki desktop 10%) to edit or create my shared decks cards.
However, for very advanced decks, there are at least 50 different fields. I renamed each one well and with coherence in order to find them out more easily.
However scrolling over and over is a bit straining!

Indeed, implement in a next AnkiDroid version a search-bar letting search field titles and content, and focusing the screen on results matching with what you typed, would be great!
With autocompletion would be best.

And here is a proposition @raehat suggested, through a video.

Exactly what I suggested, which would be so great.

However, he is missing for a while and cannot send me the apk to test it.

Would someone be the Messiah and try to take this feature development back, based on the video concept?

I can tested when needed.

Thanks a lot and a lot !
