I have a file called _closet-0.6.1.js in my media folder. Does anyone know what the purpose of it is? I am trying to delete unnecessary media from my media folder.
But, I don’t really understand it. Also, when I clicked on closetengine.com. I got a Windows Defender pop-up or something. I’m not really sure what’s happening.
Prefixing a filename with an underscore allows you to use files in card templates and styling, which includes both CSS and scripts. That protects it from being deleted as an “unused” file. Media - Anki Manual (I’d encourage you to use Tools > Check Media to manage any non-underscore unnecessary media.)
Just based on context, I suspect this one came with the Closet For Anki add-on – have you installed that? If you’re no longer using it, the file is safe to delete.
It could also be a popular script that someone else incorporated into their add-on or a note type in a shared deck. If it’s any comfort to you (especially in light of the oddity of the closetengine website …), it should be a text file, so you can get your eyes on it in a simple text editor.