Voice recognition with Google (apologies jumped the gun)

I am wondering how hard it would to add voice recognition, especially for language learning to help improve my vocabualary? I would like to be prompted with word or phrase and speak the target answer, if i cannot remember the answer tap and be prompted with the answer in text format, and be to speak the answer and my pronunciation be approved or not.

I have only been able to find a single, very simple app that does this, after rigorous googleling (sic). The app obviously uses the Google Translate API and works suprisingly well. Would it be possible to add similar functionality to Anki? It would also make the creation of cards quicker if voice input was available and could create audio snippets, if parsed by Google Translate, automatically.

I think this would help with memory retention, as language aquisition and knowlege is generally aquired by speaking (asking questions) and listening and my wife, who is a fantastic language teacher, tells me that research shows that the extra inputs, including writing especially by hand, other than jist reading, greatly improves retention and the formation of memories on a synaptic level.

I would like to know if this is feasable and how difficult it would be, as i have experimented with Google’s and others APIs and it seemed pretty straightforward. There is a plugin for Anki for Web, but AnkiDroid does not support plugins…

Thanks for indulging me my wall of text!

Undocumented, but our API supports Speech to Text:


We also have a separate ‘Check Pronunciation/Record Voice’ feature in the Reviewer to allow for playback

See also:

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