Viewing cards before intraday learning cards

Is it possible to view any cards (new or otherwise) before intraday learning cards? They always seem to be first in every deck.

I have New/review order set to “Show before reviews.” I have Interday learning/review order set to “Show after reviews.” I have “Review sort order” set to “Relative overdueness.” Still intraday learning cards are shown before all other cards.

If it’s impossible, which Anki version can I downgrade to to escape this feature?

I have Anki version 24.06.3 on Trisquel Linux, which is an Ubuntu derivative.

Intraday Learn/Relearn cards will always be the highest priority and Anki will show them as close to the end of their delay as possible. If they are first, it’s because you didn’t graduate them to Review yesterday, so the #1 way to get what you are looking for is to graduate all of your cards to Review each day.

I’m not aware of any version that has scheduled cards differently than that.

There are ways to move your short-interval learning cards out of the way, if there’s something else you want to study first, but – are we talking about more than a handful of cards?

It seems like if it’s just a handful, you’ll have them studied in no time, and they won’t really be in the way. If it’s a lot more than that, you might want to consider a plan that will help you remedy your backlog of Learn/Relearn cards instead of deprioritizing them.

No, that is not a way to get what I want. I’m asking to not have to review intraday learning cards first. You are telling me to review intraday learning cards first, the exact opposite of what I want.

No, I was mostly telling you to study them last, but to do that yesterday when they were due.

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