I’ve seen this thread but didn’t see a resolution, so here’s my attempt to take it further.
Similar issue. When copy-pasting some images into anki (right click → Copy Image), it gives the error “Unexpected response code: 403”, and then pastes a link to the image (which Anki seems to parse and display the image) instead of downloading a copy of the image.
It happens with this image, taken from this paper.
When I paste it into Anki, the resulting html is:
<img alt="Level of amputation for lower limb." src="https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Samreen-Hussain/publication/337261018/figure/fig3/AS:825199733776387@1573754356874/Level-of-amputation-for-lower-limb.png">
OS: Windows 10 or 11
Anki 2.1.54
Issue persists in safe mode
Issue persists when copying image from firefox or chrome
Let me know if I’ve missed something!