[UNANSWERED] Can you search the database from a note?

(Sorry, didn’t expect the edit to put the topic back on top)

Hello ! I was wondering if it was possible to search the notes database from a note ? Here’s one of the thing I am trying to achieve more precisely :

I have the Wanikani 2 deck which contains notes for kanjis and vocabulary words. For every Kanji card, I would like to show fields from vocabulary notes which contain the given Kanji.
Ideally, I shouldn’t have to batch edit the database every time I add my own notes to the deck, it would save a lot of efforts if it updated itself automatically !

Is is possible to achieve this in any way ? If not, how are queries usually made and what is preventing me from doing so ?
I am willing to learn the necessary languages if required.

Thank you a lot in advance for you answers.

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I thought I wait with my response until someone more knowledgeable has chimed in. But here is what I think I know:

Currently there is no universal JavaScript API for easy access to the database via the template (I hope I’m wrong with this.)
AnkiDroid has implemented one though.

I think it will take some time until there is a shared API in the Anki ecosystem, but it would be really useful.

overall it would be nice to have an ability to query the anki database from anki template. This would enable us to retrieve other cards details while reviewing the given card.