Maybe something like this
.typeGood {background-color: #ccc;}
.typeBad {background-color: #ccc;}
.typeMissed {background-color: #ccc;}
#typeans br {display:none;}
#typeans #typearrow { display: none;}
#typeans br ~ .typeGood {display:none;}
#typeans br ~ .typeBad {display:none;}
#typeans br ~ .typeMissed {display:none;}
JavaScript (Back template):
var typed_answer = document.querySelector("#typeans").innerHTML;
var typed_answer_without_dashes = typed_answer.replace(/[-]/g, "");
document.getElementById("typeans").innerHTML = typed_answer_without_dashes;
The purpose of the script is to remove the dashes automatically added by Anki when the positions of what you typed and what you were supposed to type do not match.
Unfortunately, it also removes manually typed dashes.