似乎anki 提供了某个视频播放结束的回调通知,我不知道如何使用?
我的卡片有多个视频,我让它们自动循环播放,为了精确控制,我需要每播放完一个视频,anki 都能对卡片发送通知(或者卡片都能监听到某个事件),我根据通知或监听到的事件进入下一个视频的播放。我现在都是预估视频的时长的,这个很不准。
似乎anki 提供了某个视频播放结束的回调通知,我不知道如何使用?
我的卡片有多个视频,我让它们自动循环播放,为了精确控制,我需要每播放完一个视频,anki 都能对卡片发送通知(或者卡片都能监听到某个事件),我根据通知或监听到的事件进入下一个视频的播放。我现在都是预估视频的时长的,这个很不准。
听起来您是用 javascript 来控制视频播放的,是吗?
my_video_1 = my_video1.webm
my_video_2 = my_video2.webm
my_video_3 = my_video3.webm
<video src={{my_video_1}} />
<video src={{my_video_2}} />
<video src={{my_video_3}} />
document.querySelectorAll("video").forEach( ...
ANKI 可以自动依次播放声音和视频文件,但要求视频文件为 [sound:my_video.webm] 格式。因此,请改成这样
my_video_1 = [sound:my_video1.webm]
my_video_2 = [sound:my_video2.webm]
my_video_3 = [sound:my_video3.webm]
然后,要再次重复播放所有视频,只需按下 R
Hi, I’m answering your question using AI translation.
It sounds like you’re using javascript to control the playing your videos, is that so?
Are you doing this?
my_video_1 = my_video1.webm
my_video_2 = my_video2.webm
my_video_3 = my_video3.webm
<video src={{my_video_1}} />
<video src={{my_video_2}} />
<video src={{my_video_3}} />
document.querySelectorAll("video").forEach( ...
ANKI can automatically play both sound and video files in sequence but it requires that your video files are in the [sound:my_video.webm] format. So, instead like this:
my_video_1 = [sound:my_video1.webm]
my_video_2 = [sound:my_video2.webm]
my_video_3 = [sound:my_video3.webm]
Then, to repeat playing all the videos again you’d simply press R
我放到字段中的音频文件,比如"1.mp4;2.mp4",它会自动在字段中形成这样的格式: “[sound:1.mp4][sound:2.mp4]”。
anki 并不允许我们直接调用这个音频文件,我通过 anki 处理后返回给我的页面文件的代码得知,这两个音频文件被处理为超链接,元素class为 soundLink;anki 返回的页面代码如下:
<a class="replay-button soundLink" href="#" onclick="pycmd('play:q:0');
return false;">
<svg class="playImage" viewBox="0 0 64 64" version="1.1">
<circle cx="32" cy="32" r="29"></circle>
<a class="replay-button soundLink" href="#" onclick="pycmd('play:q:1');
return false;">
<svg class="playImage" viewBox="0 0 64 64" version="1.1">
<circle cx="32" cy="32" r="29"></circle>
通过控制以下代码的 index 变量,我可以实现播放任何一段音频:
var videoElement= document.getElementsByClassName("soundLink");
但现在的问题是,每个音频播放何时结束,anki 其实是可以给我们一个结束事件的,我在卡片中可以利用这个结束事件明确视频1播放结束了,我需要暂停5秒再播放视频2。
您需要将视频以 javascript 数组格式列出,如[“1.mp4”, “2.mp4”]。
第一个字段是必填字段,否则 Anki 会自动删除您的视频文件:
<video controls id="player" />
const wait = (t) => new Promise((s) => setTimeout(s, t));
try {
videos = JSON.parse(`{{Videos_Array}}`);
} catch {
console.log("Check syntax in videos array")
const player = document.getElementById("player");
let index = 0;
player.addEventListener("ended", async () => {
if (++index < videos.length) {
// wait 5 seconds before playing the next audio file
await wait(5000);
player.src = videos[index];
// player.playbackRate = 1;
} else {
// If there are no more audio files, make it possible to play from
// the first file again when the play button is clicked.
index = 0;
player.src = videos[index];
// play the first audio file
player.src = videos[index];
// player.playbackRate = 1;
// Replay all videos when pressing R
document.onkeyup = (e) => {
if (e.key == "r") {
player.src = videos[index];
// player.playbackRate = 1;
Alright, I understand what you want now. It is not possible to detect when one video finishes playing while using videos in the "[sound:1.mp4][sound:2.mp4]” format.
You will need to instead have your videos listed in javascript array format like this [“1.mp4”, “2.mp4”].
You’ll have to store your videos in two fields
The first field is required because otherwise Anki will automatically delete your video files:
Then, the following code may work in the way you want:
<video controls id="player" />
const wait = (t) => new Promise((s) => setTimeout(s, t));
try {
videos = JSON.parse(`{{Videos_Array}}`);
} catch {
console.log("Check syntax in videos array")
const player = document.getElementById("player");
let index = 0;
player.addEventListener("ended", async () => {
if (++index < videos.length) {
// wait 5 seconds before playing the next audio file
await wait(5000);
player.src = videos[index];
// player.playbackRate = 1;
} else {
// If there are no more audio files, make it possible to play from
// the first file again when the play button is clicked.
index = 0;
player.src = videos[index];
// play the first audio file
player.src = videos[index];
// player.playbackRate = 1;
// Replay all videos when pressing R
document.onkeyup = (e) => {
if (e.key == "r") {
player.src = videos[index];
// player.playbackRate = 1;
The above code was modified from these examples:
Problems with this method:
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