Sync Server with SSL


I have created a sync server via Docker. Now I would like to encrypt the data traffic with SSL. I have configured an nginx which encrypts all traffic using my self-sign certificate.

But now I get an error message when I set up the synchronization on my computer. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?

Many Thanks!

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@dae hope you are doing well.

How did you set up Do you know if there is a way to encrypt the data traffic using SSL? Is there a Docker image for this?

The error seems to imply you’ve created an invalid certificate file. I’m afraid this is outside the scope of the support I can provide, as it’s not an Anki issue.

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@dae thanks for your reply!

Is there a Docker image that uses, where you can also learn via the web?

Though I don’t know about the server and HTTPS, does this add-on have anything to do with this problem? :shield:Enable HTTPS interception with foreign SSL certificates (Reuploaded by Shige)

Thanks for the reply.

As I understand it, this plugin allows the use of servers with self-sign certificates. Is that correct?

Where is the source code?

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@dae Is there an dockerimage with the setup?

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I’m sure there’s no need to ping him a 2nd time. He’ll see your first ping when he’s available to respond.

Since AnkiWeb is closed-source – I suspect the answer to your question is “no.”


I don’t know. I received a request (from sorata) that this add-on could not be downloaded but it was not broken so I just re-uploaded it. I’m not a professional programmer so perhaps you know more about it than me.

This is the only code this add-on does.
import warnings
import anki.sync
anki.sync.AnkiRequestsClient.verify = False

AnkiWeb can not be self-hosted.

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