Switching from mpv to mplayer

The output from the debug console looks good and mplayer should work, but my version of mplayer was compiled on 2019-08-28 and I can’t test the code with newer version.

If it doesn’t work, there’s no error message and no other add-on is interfering, maybe try replacing SimpleMplayerSlaveModePlayer with SimpleMplayerPlayer.

To fix mpv on Anki 2.1.66, the easiest option is to install the latest Anki version.

Alternatively, if you need Anki 2.1.66 for some reason, try the following __init__.py to make Anki work with recent mpv builds.

import aqt.mpv

def command(self, *args, timeout=1):
    args = list(args)
    if args[0] == "loadfile" and args[3] == "pause=no":
        args.insert(3, -1)
    return self._send_request({"command": args}, timeout=timeout)

aqt.mpv.MPV.command = command

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