It would be incredible to not only be able to add flashcards to AnkiMobile from elsewhere / other apps, but also to be able to trigger a review for those cards (past and current) via searching for a tag or by field values.
Example use case: add flashcards from reading an article, and then review the flashcards related to that article. Or, simply users wanting to review by custom search filters.
If this were to be implemented please expose it as a simple “trigger” style API as a custom URL schema callback
I just wanted to clarify - I meant trigger a review session. So, have ways for users to script what specific flashcards (via IDs, or search filter result) via URL scheme param to immediately begin viewing for review.
Combined with existing “add to anki” & import functionality, this function would provide an incredible feedback loop and a lot of value for other apps to promote Anki iOS usage. I can also achieve this already via AnkiConnect on desktop so that’s no problem. Thanks for considering.
This would only be possible via the automated creation of a filtered deck, and I don’t think it’s going to be very practical, as the user would still need to manually remove the deck or study it to completion, or subsequent searches wouldn’t be able to access those cards.
Maybe simpler: the ability to trigger a review session of a specified deck (since apps can already get a listing of decks and add cards to specific decks, this would also be valuable) rather than an arbitrary filtered deck