Styling changes do not sync with Mobile Version

I am trying to change the color of the pitch accent field for my AnkiMobile version, but I have very little technical know-how to do it myself.

With the help of some great people on the internet I found some lines to input in the “Styling” section, which are:

.nightMode svg.pitch {
    filter: invert(1);

As you can see in this picture:

The problem is, however, that on the mobile version this change does not sync. All other changes in background color, font-color, or size do change.
I just can’t seem to change the color of the pitch accent on my mobile devices.

Any help?

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By this do you mean that –

  1. the CSS code on the Styling tab isn’t fixing anything?
  2. the CSS code on the Styling tab isn’t updating after you sync?

If it’s #1, here are some suggestions to deal with this issue (which appears to be an iOS 17 problem). [But if it’s #2, we can talk about syncing issues.]

And see also:


Thank you so much.

Seems like the problem was that the “filter needs to be applied to the parent element of the svg, instead of directly to the svg.”

So I just changed the lines to:

.pitch {
    filter: invert(1);

I don’t know exactly know what the problem was… but it works!


Thanks for posting that! This will definitely help other folks facing the same issue.


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