Hello. I would like to give you one suggestion about anki.
It’s just a number button that allows you to perform the function of the space bar.
Specifically, you had to press the space bar to see the answer before, but what I’m suggesting is that pressing any one of the number 1,2,3,4 buttons will show the answer.
The reason we need this feature is that we can quickly hit the button with one hand.
For example, it is cumbersome to press the space bar and then press the number 2 when you have to hit the difficult button.
If you press number 2 to show the answer and press number 2 to press the difficult button, it will lead to a much more concise and organic action.
I’d appreciate it if you thought about my suggestion. It will be simple but fantastic.
Treating the answer buttons as a ‘show answer’ button can cause an accidental double tap to reveal the answer when you don’t want to. For that reason, implementing this is not at the top of the priority list at the moment.
Hello. I would like to give you one suggestion about next anki ver.
It’s just a number button that allows you to perform the function of the space bar.
Specifically, you had to press the space bar to see the answer before, but what I’m suggesting is that pressing any one of the number 1,2,3,4 key will show the answer.
The reason we need this feature is that we can quickly hit the button with one hand.
For example, it is cumbersome to press the space bar and then press the number 2 when you have to hit the difficult button.
If you press number 2 to show the answer and press number 2 to press the difficult button, it will lead to a much more concise and organic action.
I’d appreciate it if you thought about my suggestion. It will be simple but fantastic.
This is a basic feature that should be added, and many people want it.
I’ve seen a lot of similar addons that do this, but I think this should work by default.
We hope that this content will be reflected in the next released version.
Please review and let me know if you have any questions.
please positive reply. dae
Thank you always.
An addon that can identify many consumers who need this feature