I have little control on which order clozed cards are reviewed. The only reliable option i found is using order added and and then use the clozed numbers c1, c2…
It happens quite often i have to move things around in a card to fix it because i got my note wrong when i first created it. Often, because i dont know until i review it a few times, but sometimes because not the full info is available to me when i first created the note
Some times i need to turn this c1, c2, c3 into c3, c1, c2. Or even c4, c1, c3
This breaks order for me
Id like this to be more flexible, but i dont know how. Maybe more ordering options. Right now clozed within a note dont have any specific options
I thought about allowing fractional (c1.5, c1.75) or versioning (c1.1, c1.1.1, c1.2), so i can put clozed between other clozed and still preserve order
Or maybe allowing me to rename some clozed number without losing progress on the card. ex. contextual selecting c3 → enter new cloze number
But any other way to do this would be welcomed
PS: Clozed overlaper style options in default anki is already sorely missing. If you are doing cloze without it, you are missing out. Not all notes are made equal and more flexibility on how you want to remember each card is amazing
Are you trying to retain the reviews for what initially was c1 and then became c2?
Like say c1 had 7, c2 had 3 and then you switched the two, so currently you have c1 having 7, c2 having 3 but the content is switched. Is this your goal?
Im mixing a few use cases thats why my explanation is maybe confusing
example of two separated use cases for this:
I realized something is the conclusion, so i move some text from the start of the card to the end of the card. I already know it. I just need it to be at the end. {c1} {c2} {c3} → {c2} {c3} {c1}
If they are still New cards – you can change the cloze numbers and it doesn’t matter.
If they are already Review cards – the order of the original clozes doesn’t matter, because they each have their own scheduling. So you can add the new one wherever you want.
Yeah, when they are still in new, no problem i also move them around
But when they are in review and both cards due, how can i get the card more to the left always first? The only way i found to do this is reviwing “by order added”. But its quite brittle
Oops, I didn’t catch that you’re always studying the clozes in order.
Does “by order added” even respect to the cloze numbers though? I would think it is based on the creation date of the card. So any cards you create later, regardless of what cloze number they have, would be sorted after.
For instance if you mark c1 and c2, then delete the marker for c1 and use “empty cards” to get rid of the Cloze 1 card – when you later re-add c1 somewhere in that note, the newly created Cloze 1 card will sort after Cloze 2. [Or am I just restating the problem that you are trying to solve ?]
You are very likely right, that just something that does not come up often. Some times, when it fits, i reuse them and reset them, to keep the card in that position, but i think i never got rid of one and reenter it later on
I guess in summary, I wish i could set the order of the cards in the clozed note independently of creation order. So i can insert new ones or move them around as needed
I tested the plugin, it turns c2:A c1:B into c1:A c2:B, which is neat but doesnt help in the review order, since my only option is order by creation time which is preserved on the c number swap
My use case is basically, id like to be able to chose which order cards are presented when more than one card of the same note is due on the same day
I kinda managed to do that using review by creation date, although is very brittle as per my other examples and on top of that i lose the ability to sort the review in other ways. My favorite one being increasing intervals
I see, thanks for clarifying. The author of Sort clozes also published this add-on: Ascending cloze reviews - AnkiWeb. I haven’t used or tested it myself, but it seems like it could be worth a look.