Relationship between desired retention rate and dailyworkload


I would like to know how a modification of the desired retention rate affects the daily workload.
how can I preview the future changes in daily number of reviews when I change the desired retention rate ?

thank you !

Upgrade to 24.11 version. In deck options, in the FSRS section, there is a “FSRS simulator”.
You can set different target retention and click simulate. It will show the predicted daily workload.


As a general rule –

higher desired retention = shorter intervals = heavier workload

lower desired retention = longer intervals = lighter workload

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You can also use the fsrs visualiser to play around with your params and see how changing the retention rate affects intervals


thank you ! do you have any idea why the graph starts from zero and reaches realistic numbers after 2 weeks ? that looks strange.

thanks, that looks fun (but also complicated).

0 means today. 1 is tomorrow ect.

It is still experimental and is beeing heavily improved on as we speak.

What do you mean with “realistic”? Do you mean the simulation feels inaccurate?

I’ll try to be more clear :
the graph curve starts very low (why ???) and goes up rapidly until it reaches the actual number of reviews that I’ll have to do in the next days (finally). then it keeps going up (for what reason ?) and then slowly goes back down (slower than what will really happen I think). I decided to keep the desired retention as it is today and no new cards per day.

yes, I think the graph curve is totally off.

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