Redundancy in Anki Search Syntax -is:due prop:due<=0


I was going through the Anki Manual and came across an example in the Filtered Decks section that made me wonder about redundancy in search syntax.
The example uses: is:due prop:due>-7

My question is: Doesn’t prop:due>-7 already include is:due?
I interpret is:due as equivalent to prop:due<=0, so adding is:due seems unnecessary.
Am I mistaken?

Here’s the example from the manual for reference:

Also, while I was browsing, I noticed a very minor typo on the Searching page:
The word “tomorrow” is misspelled as “tommorow.”

No, but you can test this yourself by running the searches in your Browse window. prop:due>-7 includes everything with a due date between 7d ago and forever into the future. Only the cards with due dates between 7d ago and today are actually due.

I think that section was copied directly from a user’s post years ago. In the other search filter – is:due prop:due<=-7is:due is redundant. But the redundancy isn’t a problem for Anki, and it gives the two filters easily understandable symmetry – dividing the is:due cards into two stacks at the 7-days-ago line. That plan works fine as-is [although a few of us have already devised a more streamlined approach to replace it …].

Thanks! I would usually say – PRs are welcome! – but I already took care of this one. That update will be published soon.

Thanks for the clarification!
I hadn’t realized that prop:due>-7 would keep selecting cards indefinitely into the future, so is:due isn’t optional in this case. I’m not sure why I assumed it would stop at today’s date - probably a misinterpretation on my part.

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