Problems with keyboard shortcuts

I am having problems with my keyboard shortcuts. I have tried downloading the custom shortcuts add on and changing it myself, but it has not worked.

Specifically, the D key which used to get back to the deck homepage, or the B key which would take me to the browse page does not work. But instead when I click B when I am studying it would suspend the card, even though I want it to go to the browsing page. Is this some sort of bug? I need help fixing this please!

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  • Do you have any other add-ons? Try running Anki in safe mode – #2 in Troubleshooting - Anki Manual – do they work?
  • Are you using a keyboard layout other than US/Int’l English?
  • Do you have any 3rd part shortcut/keybind apps running on your system?

If you don’t find the solution from that, when you respond with an update, go to Help/Anki > About – click Copy Debug Info – and paste that here.

Thank you so much. I’ve figured out that it is the anki remote custom add on. Now I have a problem where I would like to have the anki remote custom add on but the keyboard shortcut bug is also fixed . Is there a way to do that?

Never mind, figured it out! Thank you.

How? Maybe someone else might see your topic in the future and would profit from seeing a possible solution.

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I’m not sure if this is the same for everyone but certain customizations like adding “deck” or “browse” mess with the keyboard short cuts. I also found that the “game” option on the remote is more compatible with my mac without glitches instead of the “key” option, for some weird reason.

THe problem isn’t fully resolved but I found a way to customize the remote buttons alittle without interfering with keyboard functions

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