i previously created this post with topic name - ’ Pixelated Text Anki in Hyprland and Plasma-Wayland with scaling 1.25’
I am still having this problem. I am laptop (1080p) with 1.25 scaling. Anki (wayland) text looks blurry. If i set scaling to 1.0, anki text looks perfect.
Every other application on wayland text looks perfect, only anki is not working.
I can use anki under x-wayland but i get input lag, which makes it frustating when input is not registered.
I am on ArchLinux, i will try to replicate this on Fedora and will edit this post.
I am experiencing weird behaviour where this bug is not happening if i use anki from official apps(dot)ankiweb(dot)net
currently i am using anki from aur/anki-bin.
Is this packaging issue from aur?
Is the anki package on flathub made by anki-team?
Anki in AUR and Flatpack does not have official support and are community maintained
If is a problem in the AUR, you should report to them
Compiled builds of Anki are available on https://apps.ankiweb.net. Most of the necessary libraries are included, and Anki has been tested to work with these library versions. If you’re experiencing issues with your distro’s version, the first thing you should try is switching to the latest packaged version we provide.
You are welcome to continue using your distro’s version of Anki if you prefer, but if you run into any issues, you will need to report them to your distribution’s package maintainers.
Linux Distro Packages - Anki Manual
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