Need some help with accumulated cards

I urgently need an Anki extension that allows me to clear this backlog of cards. For months, I haven’t been able to catch up, and I’m going crazy with so many daily cards. Please, if anyone knows of an extension that can help me
, I would be very grateful!

Is there something you think an add-on could do to help? :person_shrugging:t4:

You just need to deal with the backlog. There’s nothing to it but to do it.

  1. Turn off New cards for the time being.
  2. To deal with a backlog, I use a system similar to this with a Filtered deck. For me, a single deck works to siphon off the overdues – like is:due prop:due<=-1 (if you want to keep the subdecks separate, make 1 for each).
  3. For each study day – study all of your due cards in your main deck(s), including graduating all learning cards to review – then study the right number of cards from the catch-up deck(s) (rebuild when you’re done to kick out any short interval cards).
  4. As soon as you’re out of the backlog for a deck, you can turn on a reasonable number of New cards for that deck.

I am never good at this for more than a few months, but if you are willing to forgo/postpone the most difficult cards automatically, you can try reviewing the easiest cards first, by sorting by “Ascending difficulty” or using filtered decks to review the most important cards and the easiest cards, and the cards you’ve failed recently (because failed cards get the highest difficulty).

At the end of each day, do something like

-is:due -is:learn -is:suspended rated:1 prop:reps>=5 -added:1 -rated:1:4 (prop:lapses>2 OR prop:d>0.75)
and suspend the cards you think are not worth it. Maybe also sort by average review time and suspend cards with short intervals / high difficulty and long review times.

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These can also be helpful:

If FSRS is enabled in the deck options, another option is to decrease your desired retention. Your workload will be reduced, but you will forget more of the cards.

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