Hi guys, I’m new to anki and wants to harness its benifits to learn English language, I have been researching for a some time and come up with this Note and card type to learn vocabulary efficiently and need help to get it materialize, I don’t no coding, and please don’t hesitate to give your suggestions.
So this is what I have come up with Note type, consisting these fields -
POS ( part of speech )
Extra (For extra information like other forms)
Example (sentence)
I’m thinking to have 3 card types from it -
FRONT = word + POS + Pronunciation + Example or Playphrase
BACK = FrontSide + Definition + Extra
FRONT = POS + Definition + Example
BACK = FrontSide + word + Pronunciation + Extra
CARD 3 (Type In answer for spelling)
FRONT = POS + Pronunciation + ( (Definition + Example) as a hint )
BACK = Words + FrontSide + Extra
Card 1 - word text should be highlighted where present.
Card 2 - word text should be hidden in definition and example on front.
Card 3 - word text should be hidden in definition and example on front when I opened as hint. Also looking for feature that can show me my previously answered text
I don’t have stuff like pronunciation or POS. I never even thought of adding them because you clearly don’t need such information. My notes also create just 1 card. Here’s my deck if you are in need of some inspiration (I copied it, it’s not my note template actually): https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/907128911
this is the note and card type i have created i just modified 4000 Essential English Words (2nd Edition) note type, now all i want to know is that how can i have type in answer history log on my card so that i know what mistake i am making with spellings, and how can i have 2 of card type transfer to different deck automatically.
I don’t think you can have logs like that although there maybe a add-on for that in which case I do not know.
As for search, see how to search for specific card types. Also, I suggest you read the Anki Manual. You wouldn’t have problem with search if you completly digest it (emphasis on if).
hey sorata i couldn’t reply to you in this post: “Need Help to create English Vocab Card🧠”
is there any chance you still have the template that you mentioned in your comment because the link does not work