Margin-bottom is not supported for ruby text

This is really a feature request, not a support request. I’m not sure where to submit the request, but I’m hoping this post will be enough.

I want to be able to adjust the vertical position of ruby text above the main text, because underlined ruby text is the accepted way to indicate non-manual marking in ASL (facial expressions etc. used for grammatical purposes).

Below is the Anki display, and you can see how ugly it is.

I tried changing margin-bottom to 5px but apparently that’s not supported in Anki for PC. However, it is supported in AnkiDroid (below), and you can see how much better it is:

Here is the relevant code:


<ruby>THIS CLASS <rt>topic</rt></ruby>, 
<ruby><b>LESSON</b> HOW-MANY <rt>wh</rt></ruby>


rt {
	margin-bottom: 5px;
	border-bottom: 1px solid black;

In summary, it would be great if Anki could support this like AnkiDroid does.


Suggestions is the right place for all suggestions related to the program.

Thank you, should I repost this or just leave it? It looks like someone has already tagged it as Suggestions.

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Don’t worry, you did fine! I’m sure if there was an existing solution that someone could offer, you’d rather have that – over posting it as a suggestion immediately. :+1:t4: Folks can still respond here if they have an idea about how to make this work in Anki like it does in AnkiDroid.

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