I’m designing a card type using JavaScript.
I want a card to show only a part of a field content.
For instance, if Eng field contains
I want the front of the card to display
(the part before new line).
Front template looks like this:
let list = "{{Eng}}".replace("<br>", "\n");
let word = list.match(/.*/);
document.write("Eng: ");
Back template looks like this:
When I review this card, the front side is displayed correctly:
Eng: spine
But when I click Show answer, the back side, instead of showing {{Rus}}
shows the same what was displayed on the front side:
Eng: spine
If I delete JavaScript from the front template and write only {{Eng}}, then both the front and back sides are displayed correctly. But if I add JavaScript on the front side, the other side of the card stops working.
I saw some ideas about using .innerHTML instead of document.write and also about adding {} around the code, but I don’t understand their application and therefore cannot test them.
Is the issue with my code or with Anki? How to fix it?
PS: I’m using latest version of Desktop Anki (2.1.49) on Windows 10.