Issues with swiping gestures on iPadOS

I feel like the only reason why “Taps are easier”, is because swipes are randomly restricted to a 5% area of the screen, even though they work normal on Android.

swiping gestures are just infinitely easier to use, esspecially 1-handed and on big phones (or tablets) since you can execute all necessary functions from anywhere on the screen.

for example:
Tab anywhere on the screen - good answer
Swipe down - wrong answer (repeat)
Swipe up - repeat audio
Swipe back (left to right) - undo last review/card
Swipe left - “Open deck search” or “edit card”

I use those gestures on both Android and iPadOS (soon also iOS). They work beautifully on Android, but are somewhat frustrating on iOS, due to the restricted area swipes can be used in.