Issue loading back ups or even deleting account

Tried opening anki, tons of issues, wont let use old back ups, or even delete my profile - gives an error and it says to post it here, any help would be appreciated

Anki 2.1.5 Python 3.6.1 Qt 5.9.2 PyQt 5.9
Platform: Windows 10
Flags: frz=True ao=False sv=?

Caught exception:
File “aqt\”, line 209, in onRemProfile
File “aqt\”, line 179, in remove
File “site-packages\send2trash\”, line 58, in send2trash
<class ‘OSError’>: Couldn’t perform operation. Error code: 124

edit: No clue what the issue was but literally wiped it with all info from pc and reinstalled and downloaded from web to get it back.

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