Is there any way to play the audio when adding a new card?

I know I can play the audio while previewing/reviewing the card, but is there any way to play the audio while adding a card? I only see the audio in the field in a text format like this:


There’s no button to play it. Sometimes the sound is added by an addon, I want to play it to make sure the sound is actually correct.

If you open the Preview window, even if it is in the background, the sound will play when you add it (and every time you modify any field, because the preview will refresh).

Thanks, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to open the preview window while adding a card, I have to save the card and reopen it in the edit window, only after which is there a preview window on the toolbar. There’s too many steps involved.

Clicking on Cards… will preview the card.

That’s really helpful, thanks!

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