InContext - Learn vocabulary in context with random sentences

This is the support thread for InContext, an experimental add-on I wrote to help me hoard as many example sentences as I can.

GitHub repository: GitHub - abdnh/anki-incontext: An Anki add-on that shows random example sentences each time you review a vocabulary card


I’ve been doing something similar but outside of anki - generating notes from various sources with further exporting into anki. Having this as an addon in anki seems like a interesting idea. One thing that would be nice to get the translations of the sentences.

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Hello, I’ve been looking to start Chinese and found your addon as I wanted to make some improvements to a deck I found before beginning with it. I am attempting to use an export from Tatoeba and placed it in user_files\tatoeba as instructed in the readme, and then use the InContext: Add sentences function to add sentences to my cards.
Upon testing, the addon can add example sentences for hanzi from Japanese (presumably fetched from the web and not the file given, as they do not exist in the file) but not sentences in Chinese. There is no difference when Anki’s interface is in English, Japanese, or Chinese, when Anki is Qt5 or Qt6, or between selecting one or more cards to add sentences.
Could this stem from any user error on my part or simply result from recent updates to Anki?

Hi @capsaicin,

What’s the name of the file you downloaded from Download sentences - Tatoeba? I might need to make changes to the add-on depending on how the file is named.