Include a pre-made deck with explanations of settings, terms (sibling, leech, etc.) and shortcuts

I am interested in these Anki learning decks so I am thinking of making one personally. If I were to create collaborative shared decks, I should be able to refer to Ultimate-Geography for multi-language support. Or use AnkiCollab.

But basically, almost all of Anki’s problems can be solved this way.

A simple spell but quite unbreakable

So there is no need to learn Anki’s settings, terms, and shortcut keys in the first place.

(It would be a real waste of time if the student’s learning time is reduced by cards to learn Anki. Shortcut keys that are not used at all will probably also be difficult to memorize, “Do not learn what you do not understand”.)

So if I create such a shared deck, it will probably be for Anki geeks, not for beginners. (I think video tutorials would be appropriate for beginners.) But it might be possible to classify the cards by level with tags.