In statistics, show median answer time instead of average (or both)

The statistics says, “Studied ⁨⁨111⁩ cards⁩ ⁨in ⁨8.92⁩ minutes⁩ today (⁨4.82⁩s/card)”. This seems to be the average answer time. I think the median time would be a much more interesting statistic.

The average time includes outliers, cards with long answer times, which could be yourself looking at study materials to check the card information, or sipping your tea, or petting your cat. These outliers can significantly skew the resulting number. A median, or perhaps some other method of calculation that would get rid of the outliers, might provide a better representation of how quickly you can answer a good card, or of the quality of the cards themselves.

Might be interesting to put this number on a graph, too

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Hi, are you aware of this setting: Deck Options - Anki Manual?

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I am. However, I timed my tea sips and they all fall short of the 30 seconds which is the minimum for that setting; besides, sometimes I look at the card longer than it takes to sip my tea.

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The median is a better option than adjusting the timer. If you get interrupted and the time runs long on one card, it will have a small effect on the median (as opposed to a large effect on the average).
If you have the median you don’t really need the timer.

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