In Editor, MathJax Inserted Just Before Other MathJax Causes Unattached Dialog

In the note editor, when I create a new MathJax element (in-line or block) directly before any other MathJax element (not at the start of the field contents), no new MathJax element is created and instead a MathJax editing popup appears at the top of the editor not linked to any MathJax element.

A new MathJax element should be created and the editing popup linked to this, or the first-created MathJax element re-opened for editing (as happens when I do the above at the very start of the field contents).

My system information
    Version <U+2068>24.06.3 (a5c90890)<U+2069>
    Python 3.12.4 Qt 6.7.2 PyQt 6.7.0
Operating System:
    EndeavourOS Linux
    KDE Plasma Version: 6.1.2
    KDE Frameworks Version: 6.3.0
    Qt Version: 6.7.2
    Kernel Version: 6.9.7-arch1-1 (64-bit)
    Graphics Platform: Wayland

I can also reproduce the same bug on Windows 11.

Thank you for the report! We have a number of MathJax-related issues in the issue tracker at the moment, and currently no devs have bandwidth to look into them. If you can’t find this particular issue mentioned above them, please feel free to add a report there. Same applies for future bug reports - you’re welcome to post the directly on the issue tracker when you’re confident they’re a bug and you can’t find an existing report.

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Dupe Mathjax can't insert before "<anki-mathjax>" · Issue #2328 · ankitects/anki · GitHub

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