Hey, everyone. I need opinions/suggestions. I am preparing myself to exams to become a judge, it’s a really challenging task due to the load of content I need to know. I have been using Anki ever since I found the tool, and the learning has been incredible. But I got to a point where I have so many cards that my revisions do not fit into 24 hours. I just can’t keep up up to date. Am I doing something wrong? Like the interval I set between the revisions? Thanks!
Btw, does anyone know a tool that allows me to schedule my studies out of Anki. I have books, handouts, notes that I would like to study using the SRS, but I don’t have time to transform them into Anki cards.
Simply set your review limit to something reasonable, and your new cards a day to approximately 10% of that value.
Your learning steps are probably too short/few, and your cards ease has dropped so the reviews accumulate. Hard to tell exactly without more info about your settings. Or you simply studied too many new cards. Depending on your retention, you can maybe increase the interval multiplier.
I don’t like review limits, because I feel it defeats the point of SRS. But to each their own. As long as you know what you are doing and making it work for you there is no wrong answer.
Thanks @asparagus . One of my biggest challenges using Anki is controlling anxiety. When I see that I’m not able to keep updated with the revision, I feel like not using Anki anymore, because if studying not using SRS feels like a waste of time, using SRS in a stressing way feels like a waste of peace/life. I realize there is no better tool than Anki to a student that needs to master too much content. But I wonder if using the best tool is worth not being in peace for not achieving the targets.
@asparagus do you have any suggestion as to this point? “Btw, does anyone know a tool that allows me to schedule my studies out of Anki? I have books, handouts, notes that I would like to study using the SRS, but I don’t have time to transform them into Anki cards.”
Sorry, I don’t have experience doing that. Maybe you could try scanning your notes, dividing them accordingly and adding them as images to your cards.
If I remember correctly, you just asked recently how to put more content into Anki faster. The perceived need to ankify everything seems quite common among students. In its extreme form it is like „everything I need to remember needs to be in Anki, if it is not there, I won‘t remember it and fail“.
Maybe it is time to take a step back, limit what is repeated using Anki and explore other form of studying (reading, Q&A with fellow students, working through former exams, etc).
This is an accurate perception, I think it makes sense and I appreciate the observation. The fact that I’m not able to keep updated does not stop the classes and notes and books that I beed to master from increasing. But I do have to find a way to manage all this better.