Import individual cards from Quizlet?

I found the " Improved Quizlet to Anki 2.1 Importer" and that works great when importing full Quizzlet sets.
I’m taking a language class where my tutor uses Quizzlet but I’d prefer to stick with Anki! Often I have found there is only a couple of cards in her deck that I really need to transfer to Anki. Is there a way to do this?

And once I’m happy with the small sets she provides, can I consolidate several of them into one Anki deck? I can envisage wanting to do this at the start with several Quizzlet sets in a teaching unit, and also once I have Anki decks set up.

Your thoughts on this would much appreciated

One option would be importing everything, select the cards you want to keep and deleting the rest. Another away to do it is by editing the text displayed when “exporting” in quizlet. If you only need really a couple cards I think just copy-pasting is quick enough.

Yes, in the browser you can select any deck in particular and move cards to the parent (or any) deck so you merge all the content into one single deck.

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Tx, I’d worked out the second answer, and was just hoping for a less messy opgtion for the first. Thanks for the reply