Image Occlusion cards will not display in the correct order

When trying to study a deck of purely image occlusions, Anki will not display the cards in order of which I have created them.

I have several IO cards per image, and instead of showing me all of the cards per image (which is how Anki has historically, and what I want it to do), it shows me one card per image and then moves on to the next image. How do I get it to simply display the cards in the order they were created?


Do this:

  1. Click :gear:
  2. Make sure New card gather order is deck.
  3. Set New card sort order to order gathered.
  4. Make sure Burying options are all toggled off.
  5. Select Save.

Ref: Deck Options - Anki Manual

IO Enhanced add-on – a note makes one card, so no siblings.
Built-in IO – a note makes cards for every occlusion/group, so siblings.