I came across this post yesterday and it blew my mind. https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/2109889812
Specifically, this part: "You can put this deck on steroids by inserting the following snippet at the bottom of the answer HTML for each template (“Cards…” in editor or browser). Your answers will show the corresponding Wikipedia article for each answer. This really helped me find connections and learn faster.
– replace {{Country}} with {{Capital}} for Country -> Capital card type
– if your deck is in another language, swap the “en” in the wikipedia link for your language (e.g. “de” for german)"
It works like a charm and I felt like it opened up a whole world of possibilities coz now, I can make a deck directly with keywords, linking them up to suitable webpages so that I don’t have to make notes myself. However, it does not seem to be working with any other website. I am not great at HTML, so I might be missing something here.
Can someone please tell me how I can make this work for any website?
all of them have the same template.
so if you have a field that holds the country name, you can put https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/{{FIELD NAME}} in your card template and the country name at the end of the link will change based on the name that is stored in FIELD NAME
so if you wanna do the same thing with other websites, you should check if the pages on the website have some sort of pattern or not.
Hey mate! Thanks for the reply.
Yes, these addresses follow a pattern, but shouldn’t it open any web page since it is a browser window?
Like, if I place a web address in the a field and use curly brackets should it not open that web page?
I occasionally don’t find wiki articles on the topics which I am interested in. Would be nice to be able to add a specific website when needed.
Thanks again for the prompt reply!
I am aware about adding links actually. I wanted there to be a window within anki which displays the webpage directly.
Here’s an example.
I know it might seem like it is not a big deal, that clicking the link has the same effect, and so I should just use it, and I agree, I might end up doing that if I cannot figure this out, but knowing that it works makes me want to use this way. It is much better, that’s why.