Hi, woke up today with a strange problem on my Anki. The problem persists on two different PCs and AnkiDroid.
When doing SOME cards in my decks (which normally have pictures), the front is completely blank until I reveal the answer, at which point both the front and the back are revealed. (See picture 1 and 2)
I went back and tried to find a pattern of which cards work as intended and which don’t. I’ve marked cards that do work as intended with green. And faulty cards as red, to find a pattern. These are my findings.
See picture 3 for reference of deck-organisation:
Picture 5. Cards in the deck “Kärl” that do work. (All seem to be apart of the sub-group “Kärl färdiga”. All these seem to work as intended)
Now I can’t upload any more pictures in this initial post, but the same pattern emerges in all the decks listed. All cards work fine in the subgroup of “Genitalier - genitalier färdiga” for example, but all the cards in just the deck “Genitalier” are not working.
Alright. So the problem seems to be with the Note Type “Bas (skriv in svaret)”
The Note Type: “Basic Quizlet+” seems to be working fine, as pointed out earlier in the thread. I will now upload the Manage, Cards field for both of them. First off, the faulty one:
Basic (type in the answer)
This is essentially “Basic”, with an extra text box on the front where you can type your answer in. When you reveal the back, Anki will show you any differences between your input and the actual answer. For details, see the Checking Your Answer section.
This note type can’t display images on the front side because it creates an text box to solely compare what is in the input with back side (User Input = Back side answer)
Changing note type to any other
Anatomy questions like the picture you are showing can be made by using Image Occlusion
Image Occlusion note type
Like the cloze note type, but it works with images instead of text, which is especially useful when studying material that heavily relies on images, such as anatomy and geography. For details, please see the Image Occlusion section of the manual.
In addition to not being able to use type-answer boxes with images – your “Bas (skriv in svaret)” note type has been modified from the default, so it won’t work correctly for non-images either. It would be best to replace that note type.
Rename that note type to “broken”.
Add a new note type using “Add: Basic (type the answer)” (or “Add: Bas (skriv in svaret)” if your interface is in Norwegian).
Use Change Note Type to move any notes using “broken” to the new note type – or any other note type you want.