How to have certain cards show up in a fixed order (A-B-C...) when reviewing?

does anyone know if it is possible in ANKI to display card B only if card A was displayed before (in the same session) and was also answered correctly? Then card C, for example, should only be queried after card B was answered correctly before (in the same session). Is it possible to have certain related cards displayed in that kind of a fixed order when reviewing a deck? Thank you in advance for your answers.

Check out this this post specifically, and the whole thread too. You should find something you want there.
Though these are not individual cards that will be reviewed in sequence, per se, but rather a note type that allows a card to contain multiple questions that will be asked, and their answers revealed, sequentially.
This is an updated link.
Like @shallash said, you can use it like this:
Put a b c notes in one note and if you fail in one of the 3 questions press again, if you need the related cards to be a cloze notetype notes there a workaround for it by writing JavaScript code to hide a note clozes with alternative cloze brackets ((c1::)) and link the revealing of them by pressing the next button question that have another ((c1::)) that get revealed by pressing another button… Etc.

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Thank you, but it doesn’t work the way I want it to. It creates just one card with multiple questions and answers. What I want is multiple cards that are related to each other and always show up in a fixed order. I want ANKI to show me Card A with Question 1 and Answer 1, which gets sheduled according to how well I answered it. I want ANKI to not show me Card B (which is related to Card A) unless I have seen and correctly answered Card A on the same day. They should not appear directly one after the other, but in the same learning session. Card C should not appear unless I have seen and correctly answered Card A and Card B in the same learning session. I hope that makes it a bit clearer what it is that I am looking for.

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@MmZ1 @shallash
Could you repost the link? it doesn’t seem to be working.

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Have you tried putting your cards in two different decks: one set to review in order of their being added and the other to random. Then access these two decks through a Custom deck that has all the cards from both of the first decks. That might do what you want.

This link is not working.

Please update.