I dont really understand the concept of learning with Anki.
Ive created a bunch of decks, with about a 200 cards, including mnemomics.
I have to practice a card at least 30 times before i can remember it, its just the way it is. Sometimes cards stick a little earlier, when the words sound like english or dutch, but most of the times its just a bunch of sounds i have to remember.
For example: “φτάνει” which means “he/she/it arrives” and sounds a bit like “fta-nie”.
How can I practice this card as much as a want without it beeing “deleted” from the practice sessions. I think the term is “burried”?
If i press “again” too many times the card get deleted?
Ive read the manual but the actual learning part i dont understand.
I have to studie/learn at least 50 new vocab + conjugations + grammar each week, and i dont know how to learn it, maybe im doing something completely wrong here.
I know im not crazy, i learn new shortkeys and information about my music production programs every day, so its not my brain isnt working…i just cant remember new words haha
Anki, and other SRS based software works differently to how you may be used to study:
“In SuperMemo’s spaced repetition system, every time you answer a question, you tell the program how well you were able to remember it — whether you forgot completely, made a small mistake, remembered with trouble, remembered easily, etc. The program uses this feedback to decide the optimal time to show you the question again. Since a memory gets stronger each time you successfully recall it, the time between reviews gets bigger and bigger — so you may see a question for the first time, then 3 days later, 15 days later, 45 days later, and so on.”