I want to be able to add a new card by hitting a keyboard shortcut from anywhere on my Mac e.g while in the browser, reading a PDF, or editting a document. Is this possible with Anki or do I need an external program or automation?
Example: CMD + ‘,’ → The Anki new card window is opened or focussed.
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hi, i don’t know any way to directly input it to anki but what I do is I copy a word I want to learn with cmd c and then have a gpt shortcut that I created that answers and formats the meaning of the word and also an example sentence. The gpt answer gets appended to a csv file or note and every once in a while i import the file into anki it’s quick and easy easy.
Here is my shortcut.
Here you can see where you can choose your own keyboard shortcut. I usually use shift control and then a letter on mac since this combination usually doesn’t overlap with any other shortcuts based on my experience.
Have a nice day.
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As this is a task with multiple steps, I would try a tool like Keyboard Maestro (https://www.keyboardmaestro.com/).